Ants, bees and wasps
Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies are all members of the order Hymenoptera. This group includes pollinators, many amazing social species, and parasitoids.
Browse the collection of Hymenopteran images below and contact me for image licensing enquiries.
Image: Bullant queen (Myrmecia sp.). Victoria, Australia.
Mini Trapjaw Ant (Orectognathus mjobergi). Kuanda, Australia.
Trap-jaw Ant (Odontomachus cephalotes) excavating nest. Kuranda, Australia.
Trap-jaw Ant (Odontomachus ruficeps). Davies Creek, Australia.
Trap-jaw Ant (Odontomachus ruficeps) carrying termite. Davies Creek, Australia.
Sugar Ants (Camponotus nigriceps) herding Gum Leafhopper (Australoscopus whitei). Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, Australia.
Sugar Ant (Camponotus sp.) full from foraging. Kuranda, Australia.
Sugar Ant (Camponotus intrepidus) guarding psyllids. Holey Plains State Park, Australia.
Sugar Ant (Camponotus consobrinus) guarding psyllids. Holey Plains State Park, Australia.
Bull Ant (Myrmecia gulosa complex) guarding psyllids. Holey Plains State Park, Australia.
Bull Ant (Myrmecia brevinoda) foraging at night. This species has the longest worker ant in the world. Mt Glorious, Australia.
Green Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) forming a living chain. Kuranda, Australia.
Green Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) that have taken down a massive Blue-eyed Mantis (Hierodula werneri). Darwin, Australia.
Green Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) arguing over an unknown larva. Cooktown, Australia.
Green Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) working together to build a new nest. Kuranda, Australia.
Iridescent Ant (Calomyrmex sp.) that has become trapped by an ant lion. Another worker attempts a rescue from the edge of the pit. Mary River National Park, Australia.
Meat Ants (Iridiomyrmex sp.) bustling around the entrance to the nest. Northern Territory, Australia.
Iridomyrmex sp. ants feeding on honeydew from a Giant Scale insect (Monophlebulus sp.). Lake Tinaroo, Australia.
Furnace Ant (Melophorus sp.) carrying a seed back to the nest. Lake Tyrrell, Australia.
Spider Ant (Leptomyrmex ruficeps) excavating nest. Kuranda, Australia.
Green-head Ants (Rhytidoponera metallica) communicating. White Mountains National Park, Australia.
Pony Ant (Rhtyidoponera purpurea) with dead Big-headed Ant (Pheidole sp.) attached to mandible. Malanda, Australia.
Pony Ants (Rhytidoponera aurata group) engaged in combat. Edith Falls, Australia.

Orchid Bees (Euglossa intersecta) investigating a lure. Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador.

Orchid bee (Euglossa sp.) flying to a lure. Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador.

Australian Stingless Bee (Austroplebeia sp.) flying from the hive made in a wooden picnic table. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Introduced European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) drinking at a waterhole in the Victorian Mallee, Australia.

Male Sweat bees (Lipotriches flavoridis) sleeping on a stick. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Male Blue-banded bees (Amegilla aeruginosa) clustered together to sleep. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Two male Blue-banded bees (Amegilla aeruginosa) clustered together to sleep. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Reed Bee (Braunsapis sp.) on a Bloodwort (Haemodorum sp.). Northern Territory, Australia.

Sweat bee (Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) lanarium) on a flower. South-western Victoria.

Fire-tailed Resin Bee (Megachile mystaceana) hard at work. South-east Queensland, Australia.

Cuckoo Wasp (Stilbum cyanurum) in defensive pose. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Zombie caterpillar defending the Braconid wasp pupae that emerged from its body. Cairns, Australia.

Yellow Hairy Flower wasp (Radumeris radula). Northern Territory, Australia.

Spider Wasp (Pompilidae) carrying a legless Huntsman (Yiinthi kakadu) back to the nest. Northern Territory, Australia.

Spider Wasp (Fabriogenia sp.) carrying a legless Huntsman (Heteropoda sp.) back to the nest. Far North Queensland, Australia.

Parasitoid wasp (Agamerion cleptideum). Western Victoria.

Sawfly larvae (Pergidae). Eastern Victoria.